
After her meditation class she left her body to travel around the stars. That evening her body walked to the beach and sat down at the waters edge to wait for her return.

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Ground Hog Day

People think everyday is different. But really, they are pretty much the same. The sun comes up and the sun goes down. Sure the weather changes a bit and some days are more fun then others, but really it is always the same. Except this day the sunset was kinda special.

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Trying to get ahead in life

The flower was ambitious. She knew from a very young age she wanted to get ahead in life. It was a frustrating struggle until one day the photographer showed up and started taking pictures. It was at that point she knew she had finally arrived.

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Imagine you land on earth from another planet and you then need to walk to the city and find someway to get along and fit in. How would you ever learn the language and all the customs and be able to make you way as a human. Its a wonder any of us are alive, really.

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He spent a 30 years as a teacher and retired. One day at the beach he asked God what to do next. God said, “I need you to teach again,” Moments later his heart stopped and he fell face down in the water.

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The last day on earth

It was reported in the newspaper that today would be the last day of the world. Many people came down to see the sunset. Others decided to watch it on TV in their homes. The next day when the sun came up everyone realized it was just fake news, but no one was surprised.

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Planet Coffee

The aliens arrived from another galaxy and landed near Melbourne. They followed a path that led to the city. There they found mostly coffee drinkers. The rest of the population was involved in growing or importing coffee. After a few days they returned and reported no intelligent life on Earth. Unfortunately they returned with a few bags of coffee beans.

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The path to nowhere

He jumped on his bike and rode down the path that he had never been on before. When he got to the end of the path he realized he was nowhere. Now he had to decide if he should try to find another path or go back. It then occurred to him that he did not really know where he wanted to go.

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What are friends

Many years ago I made a friend and we are still in touch. What is it about a friendship that can last for decades. They last longer then houses or cars or pets. Friendships seem to last forever. Something to think about.

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A path to the city

When you come across a path and a sign post that tells you exactly where the path goes, the journey becomes easy. Wouldn’t be nice if there was a clearly marked path that we are shown at birth. My problems was not the path, the problem I had was I did not know where I wanted to go.

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The sign

Bill decided life was not worth living and told God that he needed a sign. He walked to the beach with the intention of drowning himself. He noticed a fifty dollar bill in the sand. He picked it up and went to the pub and got a beer.

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Trouble overhead

Along time ago people thought there were gods in heaven who had some influence on them. Sometime I look to heaven and ask for a green light when I am in a rush. The light turns green eventually but I don’t know if the gods actually did anything to help me. Hopefully they have better things to do.

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From a distance

It is amazing what distance can do. When I am in the city the buildings seem huge. But from this distance they seem like tiny ants. When I am close to a person they seem important. From a distance I tend to forget them. There has got to be some important lesson about life in this somewhere. Any ideas let me know.

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Coming or Going

If I watched for a long time I could tell if these rocks were climbing up the beach onto land or climbing into the sea. But with just a quick look it is hard to tell. It is not much different from some people I know. And I hate to say it, but it is even true of myself most days.

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What is going one here?

I wonder what these two people are talking about. Are they married? Are they friends. Did they just meet? Why am I on planet Earth anyway? I will never know. There is a lot of stuff I don’t know. In fact, there is more stuff I don’t know than stuff I do know. Does that make me stupid? I don’t even know that.

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Its not the end

Nothing ever finishes. When the sun sets and the day is done, the evening starts and the night life gets going. I often wonder what happens at death. I don’t think things end, it is just the start of something new.

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Chance meeting

I have always thought it strange the random circumstances that take place for humans to meet each other. I look back on how I met the woman in my life and think about had I done one tiny thing differently I might not have met the people I did meet. Some were good and some were not so good. Had I done things slightly differently how different my life might have been.

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Where the horizon gets blurred.

Sometimes the horizon gets a bit blurred and it is hard to tell the difference between the sky and the sea. This makes me think about how many lines are blurred in life. When I think about it almost everything is blurred. “What should I do when I grow up? Who should I marry? It is OK to lie sometimes? What is the correct diet. Is God a man or a woman?” Everything is blurry, but oh so beautiful.

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Freedom 3

It must be so nice to be a bird and just fly into the sky. If I could master gravity I could be free to go anywhere I want. That must be what its like to be a ghost. But I don’t want to be a ghost. Maybe an angel would be nice. Problem is I don’t think I am ever going to qualify as an angel. And I am not sure I want to be a bird.

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The mystery of flowers

I often wonder why flowers are so colourful. Are they trying to attract me or do they have some other more important reason for being that colour? It is one of those questions I will never know the answer to. Unless I can figure out how to talk to flowers. Now that would be cool.

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How big is the world?

This guy and his dog look small compared to the sky. The sky we see here is a tiny bit of the Earth’s atmosphere. The Earth is tiny compared to the sun and the sun is tiny compared to the solar system and the solar system is tiny compared to the galaxy and the galaxy is small compared to the rest of the universe. Why? You have to ask Why?

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One day she saw the light and headed off in the direction of the sunset. When she came back she was very different in fact I am not even sure it was the same person.

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In the City

I wonder if the people in the city have any idea of what is going on overhead? It just goes to show that when you get back and look at things from a different perspective, things are not the same. I wonder what I would see if I looked at my life from far away. I hate to think. My ex certainly had a lot to say about it.

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What is Art anyway?

When I was in school and later at university I asked my teachers, “What is Art?” And they could not give me a useful answer. Years later I read that Art is a communication of emotions. Humm, makes sense. What emotion do you get from this photo? Hopefully something because I would like to think this is Art.

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What is a community? All these people most likely don’t know each other yet, they feel community. I used to go to this marker at sunset and feel community with the people who were watching the sunset. Its like we were already connected but just suddenly realized it.

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Different worlds

The life of a fish is different then the life of a mouse and they are different then the life of a bird. It must be similar to the life of a smart person and a dumb person. What about someone who has a higher consciousness? That must be different then a normal person.

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Is This Real

This photo of Melbourne looks alike something from a sci fi movie. If I saw this in a book I would think it was an illustration. This of course brings up the question what is real? But who wants to talk about that.

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An Angel Appeared

I was feeling down and worried about all my problems and thinking I needed some divine help. Suddenly the clouds parted. An angel appeared and I knew my prayers had been answered. The angel came to me and looked deeply in my eyes, sighed and then whispered in my ear the words I did not want to hear. She said “You really need to grow up!”

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They found us

What would happen if aliens came to earth and had a look at our cities. Would they be interested in taking over? Or would they just want to buy some stuff. Maybe have a cup of coffee. Maybe invest in property?I have a feeling they would look at the rush hour traffic and get away as fast as possible. That’s how I feel.

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I was taking pictures of the sunset and noticed a guy was walking along looking at the ground. He was thinking about something. It made me consider how unaware most people are about life and the world they live in. I am no exception. I have no idea what I am not aware of but as my ex-wife pointed out; it was a lot.

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Looking Good

Have you ever noticed how some people always look good. They are aware of their appearance. They are well groomed and wear incredibly nice clothes. They have nice hair, even a nice car and a nice house. Well it seems like flowers are similar to these people. Have a look at this flowerā€¦ It is well dressed. Is it dressing up for us or for the other flowers?

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Never Alone

Her husband was overseas, her three children had moved away and her friends were away for the holidays. She was alone. As she sat there feeling sorry for herself she became aware of a presence and it occurred to her that God must be keeping her company. Then everything seemed OK.

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The Wizard of Oz

This is Melbourne Australia. When I am in city it is kinda dirty and dusty and lots of traffic. But from the this viewpoint it looks kinda great. So the question is which is the real city? In fact it makes me question if the city of OZ in the story the wizard of OZ is more real than Melbourne? I wonder if there are any wizards in Melbourne?

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Miss Flower

There are millions of good looking woman in the world and sometimes they enter contests to win the beauty prize. Flowers could do the same thing. Some flowers are so beautiful they should win a prize. From an evolutionary point of view, how come flowers are so attractive to people. Beautiful woman and beautiful flowers seem to come from the same place.

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On a wonderful trip to nowhere.

Let me know if I am missing something, but when I see people out on a beautiful boat on a beautiful ocean on a beautiful day I can’t help wondering if this is the best use of our time. Not that we need to be miserable but I can’t help thinking that maybe we should be busy trying to solve the mystery’s of life and find out who we are, why we are here and where we go after we die. All the important things. But I guess why not do that on a nice boat.

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The path to somewhere

When I walk down a path I know I will end up somewhere. When I get there I will look for another path to someplace else. This has gone on for years and years. Sometimes I kinda wonder exactly where it is I am supposed to go. I guess the idea that, “it is a journey, not a destination” that counts. Does that mean there is no end? Catch you later; I have another path to follow now.

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It is not fair

As a painter I am always looking for color harmony. It is not difficult to do if you know what you are doing but it is not a simple matter. Why is it that nature can come up with a wonderful color harmony like this without even trying. There is some thing very mysterious about nature that makes beautiful things for us to enjoy.

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Together is so nice

Lying on the beach with someone is so much nicer than being alone. Ever wonder why that is? I don’t claim to have all the answers but I know I feel better when I am doing something to make another happy. Being together is a two way street for happiness. Everyone wins.

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Man vs everything else

You know when you think about it Man has a tough game to play. He has his own issues, family problems, work issues, government issues, asteroids that may hit the earth and trying to understand God just to name a few. What a game! But no one seems to want to end it.

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Today it is calm

Somedays are calm and some days are rough. It is like that in life too. Sometimes things go well and sometimes they don’t. If things go well all the time it should bring us closer to something good. Anyone know what that actually is?

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So Many

At sunset they come and gather on the hill. There is a sense of fellowship as the day ends. Then everyone goes home and it is forgotten. Wouldn’t it be nice if the sense of fellowship would last and last. But no, the mind of man has more important things to do, like getting ahead.

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What is this guy thinking about? Maybe the sunset, the girl friend, the job, God, what is for dinner? Could be anything. I wonder if he ever thinks about what a thought is. That is something I think about. Where do thoughts come from? Maybe he is just enjoying the sunset, if so he is a better man than me.

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Man vs Nature

When you look at clouds they seem pretty normal and when you look at a city it seems pretty normal, but when you see them together like this it makes you realize that nature is bigger then man. I find it interesting that the mind can think of both of them at the same time.

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Time for BeerĀ 

Watching the sunset in Maui a few years ago reminded me of all the times I sat on the beach or on a boat and watched the sunset and enjoyed a cold beer. Funny if someone on the other side of the globe was looking at the sunrise and thinking it was time for coffee.

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By Chance

I have taken hundreds of photos of birds flying overhead in the hopes I would catch a good one, but to be honest, out of all these photos only a few have ever been worthwhile. What are the chance I would catch this one. I am glad I do better with the odds in the rest of my life. Imagine if I had to get married hundreds of times before I found a good wife. Actually it did take a few tries.

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On a clear day

On a clear day it is so nice to get out and go for a walk. The problem is when I get out into the fresh air I remember all the stuff I need to do at home, so I go home and think about going for a walk. I think I will put this picture up on my office wall and look at it while I am working.

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Rocks and Water

Rocks don’t move much and water keeps moving. Sometimes people walk out on the rocks then the sun sets and the people go home. The water and rocks don’t know they are moving or not moving. Then there are the crabs and the fish. It’s pretty complicated really. How did these rocks get here anyway? I wonder if the birds think about all this?

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Life after death

When I think about my death I look to the sky and try to figure out where I will go. I wonder if I will go into the sky? I guess it would be better to get cremated rather then be buried because that would be a more direct route.

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Life can do anything

When you think about it, it is pretty amazing that birds can fly. Life evolved to a point where it grew wings and took off. Pretty amazing when you think about it. Actually its pretty amazing I can type this on my computer and you can read it. Is there anything we can not do?

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Playing in the sun

There are hundreds of times I played in the back yard with my friends. I cant remember them all now. What happens to a memory when it is forgotten? How many memories are lost? What happens to the past after it has passed through the present? If you have any thought on the matter let me know.

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The Sunset

What is it about a sunset that seems so important? It marks the end of the day but that is no big deal. It is sometimes beautiful but there are a lot of beautiful things to see. It is very strange the feeling of significance that a sunset has. I will have to get out of bed some morning and check out the sunrise.

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The great beyond 5

They say the universe is endless but I can not understand that. I don’t even know what is out beyond the horizon. I don’t understand politics and I don’t understand diet. How am I supposed to understand an endless universe?

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A day not at the beach

After a day at work it is so nice to escape to the beach. It often makes me wonder why I don’t spend more time at the beach. I remember when I was unemployed I spent a lot of time at the beach, wishing I had a job.

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Life without a problem

Living on planet Earth is a mixed blessing. You get wonderful days like this where the beach is such a joy, but my head is full of problems. What would life be like with no problems. I think that would be a problem, having no problems. I guess I will just enjoy the day.

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What are you doing?

When I look at a tree like this I wonder what is it trying to do? Why is it growing to such a large size? In a few years it will die and what will have been the point of it? It will make some seeds and the children of the tree will grow large and make seeds too. Really what is the point? Now that I think about it I am kinda doing the same thing. There must be some point to all this but I sure don’t know what it is. But I would not want to miss…

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